Sunday, August 13, 2006

LEFT BEHIND: UFOs and the Rapture


By Chris Montgomery

The rapture. Left behind. These are key words that are very popular right now. Millions have heard of these words mentioned recently, but few understand what they actually mean.
The rapture is explained in 1st and 2nd Thessalonians, which can be found in the New Testament of the HOLY BIBLE. Thessalonians was a letter written by the Apostle Paul to the Christians in Thessalonica. These letters explain in detail the events leading up to Christ's return. According to some theologians, it will be a period of 7 years. Following the tribulation of years, Christ will come again at Armageddon in the final battle of Good versus Evil. The events and signs leading up to the rapture can be found in II Thessalonians.

The Thessalonians were awaiting the immediate return of Jesus Christ. His return was not immediate, however. This was causing some societal problems for the early Christians there. So Paul spelled it out for them in this epistle, or letter of Paul to the Thessalonians.

The Apostle Paul had an encounter with Christ. The Apostle said that Christ appeared to him in an effulgent, flying object. He said that he heard a buzzing sound, which is a characteristic of UFO events. It was this close encounter that made Paul an Apostle. (See the Interrupted Journey in UFO Prophecy

Both Christ and Paul talked about these events in the New Testament of the HOLY BIBLE. There were other prophets throughout the "Old Testament" of the BIBLE that do, including the prophet Malachi and Daniel. The Great Tribulation period is a time when there shall be great suffering upon the earth. Many theologians believe that the rapture will occur in direct relation to the Great Tribulation. Although it is understood that "There shall be tribulation on the earth..." this does not necessarily refer to the Great Tribulation.

The Holy Bible does specify that there will be periods of tribulation on the earth throughout recorded history but there will be one period in particular, which separate this event from all the others. Some believe that the rapture will occur before the Great Tribulation, or pre-tribulation. Many believe that the rapture is going to happen during the tribulation, or mid-tribulation. The final group believes that no one will be immune from the judgments of neither God nor His wrath. If the rapture occurred at that time it would be called a post tribulation. More on the rapture hypothesis and UFOs can be found at

I am a pre-tribulationist. I believe that Christ will return to snatch His people and only His people from the earth just before the Great Tribulation. God always abides by the covenants that he makes. I say this knowing that there is great suffering on the earth right now, which rivals anything that we have encountered throughout the historic record. Why will all others be left behind?

We can divide the prophecy of the UFO Bible future surrounding the rapture into distinctive categories, which goes something like this:

Called the great and notable day of the Lord, it shall be earmarked with signs in the heavens above and the earth below. Jesus will return for his followers "like a thief in the night." (Matthew 24:42-44). Many theologians believe that He is going to do it this way, because if everyone knew when He would return, they could live riotously until just before His return to sober-up and ready themselves for His return for His holy ones. If they knew at what time the thief would come, they would lie in wait for him. Other theologians postulate that the evil forces would try to thwart their Holy departure. (See II Thessalonians chapter 2).

Christ told of the rapture of His believers, both the quick (living) and the dead. The graves shall open first. Christ uses symbols, like an alchemist's formula. UFOs are the signs in the heavens. They are here in great numbers amassed on the border of our time and theirs. The UFO occupants, or good angels, will be the "eagles" described in II Thessalonians. Christ said, "Where the body is, there the eagles shall be gathered together." The body is the body of Christ. The living will follow the raising of the dead, where believers in Christ will be caught up or snatched away as described in the Greek translation from the word "Harpadzo" This will be the ascent of the living in the air. They shall be changed, "In a moment or a twinkling of an eye." In other words those that are raptured will leave no trace. This serves a two-fold purpose. First it makes for a quick departure as described by Christ "like a thief in the night" and secondly, the impurities of the flesh shall be seperated from their spirit when they are changed, for sacred texts suggest that only the very pure and clean may enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.

I take this to mean that they will be given their new "Spiritual bodies" to accommodate their need to adapt to their new environment. I have always held a belief that the grays space suit, to protect them from the rigors of space flight and time travel. "And so they shall ever be with the Lord." (See Revelations 14:13)

THE GREAT TRIBULATION PERIOD (See Daniel's prophetic timetable)
Another reason the rapture precedes the great tribulation, is because it says that "the one who restrains" shall be taken away. This action is described as taking a lamp out of the darkness. The Bible is very specific about the body of Christ being the light of the world. The one who restrains, or "the great restrainer" is translated to mean the Holy Spirit. Christians, or followers of Jesus believe that the HS is part of the Holy Trinity, which includes Jesus and God the Father. With nothing keeping the forces of darkness apart, they will begin to self-destruct. (See II Thessalonians).

The removal of angelic as well as benevolent spirits from the earth will be the beginning of the end for the inhabitants of Earth. The Bible says, "I shall not allow my holy ones to see corruption." In other words, those that have the mind of Christ will not be left behind. Those that convert afterwards, will be subject to the abuses and humiliation of the evil ones that remains. There will be those who have heard the message of Jesus Christ, but shrugged it off or didn't take it seriously.

The world will be plunged into darkness. The Bible says that "the sun shall be darkened and the moon shall turn into blood." One possible interpretation is that there will be some form of nuclear holocaust during this time. With several rogue nations actively persuing nuclear weapons and the technology to use them, this is becoming a clear and present danger! I am referring to what President Bush called "The axis of evil."

Anti-christ is a term that the HOLY BIBLE referes to as anyone who opposes the teachings of Christ. This will be one sign during the period preceding the rapture. But there is also a person of distinction that the HOLY BIBLE will point out to you. The "son of perdition" or "the man of lawlessness" is mentioned in II Thessalonians. This person is known as the great anti-christ. He will arise and oppose all who align themselves with Jews and Christianity. The BIBLE is very specific and strongly suggests that this person will be on the scene at the time of the rapture and the Day of the Lord. There is a person who actually fits these criteria. His name is Osama Bin Ladin. Only time will tell if he is "The Antichrist."

Inhabitants of the earth shall not know God or his covenants so they will not see the road signs along the way. The Jews do not realize that the HOLY BIBLE paints a picture of two messiahs. One will be the suffering messiah (Jesus Christ who died) and the other is Jesus the conquering messiah. The first Jesus the sufferer left behind prophecies, covenants and other information that would prepare the Jews for what lie ahead. They await the conquering messiah and rely on the messianic visions contained in their Torah as their guide. They await the coming messiah, not the Jesus, which is spoken of throughout the Old and the New Testament.

Lawlessness shall reign supreme as well as anarchy. These and other signs are discussed in II Thessalonians of the HOLY BIBLE.

UFOs will figure prominently in the days to come. God will use his angels to pour out His judgments upon mankind. ALIEN EJECTA: UFOs & The Fourth Seal

All of this will lead up to the final and greatest battle of all time, the battle on the plains of Megiddo. God will keep his covenant with the people of Israel. He will come as Jesus, riding a UFO into battle. The opposing army's of the world, shall be eliminated rather quickly, having nothing comparable to use in their defense. The HOLY BIBLE describes it as a place of desolation following the battle, where predatory creatures shall feast on their flesh for years. Christ begins his reign for a thousand years, in the temple prepared for Him.

Christ and His UFO occupants will settle the earth in the "New Jerusalem." This flying object will dwarf any conceived by man and could literally cover a third of the continent of America. It shall reach from the ground to the sky. Its base will be in Israel. See "Suncruisers," The New Jerusalem at

You can learn more about my interpretations of the Hebrew and Greek! The HOLY BIBLE can be accessed from my web site when you go to